Submit To Perform With Us

When casting for shows we promise to contact you either way in a timely manner.

We are now accepting auditions for our 2024 show themes. Call times will be at 6pm and show times will be at 9pm. Each performer will earn $75 for their act.

We can accept lollipop and pole acts who have their own kits. Each performer is required to carry their own insurance policy with the coverage dates and venue matching the show to be performed in. We cannot allow glitter or confetti tosses in the act.

2024 Calendar of Shows We’re Casting For:

  • 10/25- Shiny New Tassels

    • Calling all Newbies! If you have been performing for less than 2 years, we want you! Let’s see those show-stopping acts, especially the ones with a lot of prop work, storytelling and incredible costuming.  Pole acts are welcome if you have your own kit.

    • Deadline: 9/22

  • 12/13 - Striptease Supernova

    • Space is cold but these bodies are hot! We’re seeking Aliens, Space, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, anything out of this world!

    • Deadline: 11/10

Ready To Apply?