Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

At Plumb Askew Revue and Burlesque Revealed - Academy of Tease, we are committed to fostering an environment that celebrates diversity, promotes equity, and embraces inclusion. As creators and educators, we recognize the importance of providing a space where all individuals feel valued, respected, and empowered to express themselves authentically.

Diversity is at the heart of our burlesque community. We welcome individuals of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, socio-economic status, and body size. We believe that diverse perspectives enrich our art, deepen our understanding, and strengthen our bonds as a community.

Equity is fundamental to our mission. We are dedicated to creating opportunities for everyone to participate, learn, and thrive in our burlesque shows and within our curriculum. We actively work to dismantle barriers to access and success, whether they be financial, systemic, or cultural. We strive to ensure that all individuals have equal access to resources, support, and representation within our community.

Inclusion is our guiding principle. We strive to create a culture of belonging where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. We actively challenge discrimination, harassment, and exclusionary behavior in all its forms. We prioritize creating safe and supportive spaces where individuals can explore their creativity, develop their skills, and build meaningful connections free from judgment or prejudice.

As women-led initiatives, we are committed to uplifting and amplifying the voices of all people who share a love for this artform and who are interested in learning more about it.  We acknowledge that our work towards diversity, equity, and inclusion is ongoing and that we may fall short at times. We welcome feedback, accountability, and collaboration from our community as we strive to create a more just and inclusive world both onstage and off.

Together, we celebrate the beauty of diversity, the power of equity, and the joy of inclusion. Join us as we continue to uplift and empower each other through the art of burlesque.